摘要:The article aims to discuss the advantages and disadvantages in the creation of the Proper Social SecuritySystems (RPPS). Based on the analysis of regulatory, institutional and actuarial principles, we seek to assess theopportunities and challenges for public servers and municipalities. According to the results, we can conclude thatthe Ministry of Social Security has invested in actions that seek to reduce the pressure on the General SocialSecurity System (RGPS). However, without an individual assessment, the effort to universalize RPPS can resultin critical problems, especially for servers. On the other hand, considering the potential relief on RGPS, if allmunicipalities that do not yet have a RPPS solve create it, would reach only 2.1% of municipal servers in smallcities.
关键词:Social Security;Public Servants;Proper Social Security Systems;Seguridad Social;Oficiales;Régimens Propios de Seguridad Social;Previdência Social;Servidores Públicos;Regimes Próprios de Previdência Social