摘要:This study will design was to analyze the role of discount promotion on the incidence of impulse buying and this relation to repurchase intentions. For this, an experiment was conducted with the participation of one hundred and eighty persons in the city of Caxias do Sul Rio Grande do Sul, which simulated a virtual supermarket shopping. Was tested the four hypotheses were three are confirmed: H1 suggested that the groups exposed to scenarios discount, regardless of its attractiveness, would have a higher incidence of impulse buying in relation on the control group; H2, which had the purpose to evaluate the effect of attractiveness discount on impulse buying reinforcing the association between attractive discount and mood elevation and increased impulse buying; and H3 predicted a positive relationship between achievement promotional discount, regardless of attractiveness and intention to repurchase. The implications of the study confirmed the importance of the use of sales promotion as a motivator in repurchase intention. Among its limitations are that the sample does not allow generalizations and experimental lab environment that may differ from the real environment.
关键词:Discount Promotion;Repurchase Intent;Marketing Experiment;Promoción de Descuento;Intención de Recompra;Experimento de Marketing;Promoção de Desconto;Intenção de Recompra;Experimento de Marketing