摘要:Despite the growing interest in strategy consulting and its influence on business, there is a very limited number of studies investigating the contributions of the consultants for the creation, dissemination and consumption of knowledge management in a macro and micro level. This article intends to bridge this gap. Standing in the emerging literature of "strategy-as-practice” and in the focalization, establishment and institutionalization of strategic practices and activities used in the management consulting industry, we intent to contribute to the construction of the literature in this area, presenting a set of theoretical perspectives that aim to bridge the gap existing in this field of study, at the same time that comes to challenge the researchers to contribute this domain of management with new developments that may atually translate into determining factors regarding the possible improvement of organizational business performance.
关键词:Strategy-as-Practice;Organizational Performance;Strategy Conceptualization;Estrategia-como-Práctica;Desempeño Organizacional;Conceptualización de la Estrategia;Estratégia-como-Prática;Desempenho Organizacional;Conceptualização da Estratégia