摘要:Now-a-days the globalization of business markets requires a logical and functional view linked to value creation on the point of view of cost, time and service. The underlining of new organizational forms and new work processes in terms of contract models is no more seen as a resource, but starting to be understood as a fundamental basic need and a potential source of competitive advantage. To that extent, this article is intended as a discussion paper from a theoretical basis reasoned and focused on internationalization and "Outsourcing", aiming to demonstrate how this last resource may be the ideal response and an influential and powerful tool to project Portugal internationally, can function for a country marked by a recession as a real source of income in times of crisis. Atually, this may be the way to capitalize Portugal advantages, improve their handicaps, create jobs, generate wealth, promote international competitiveness and, more importantly, be the alternative medicine to cure the disease that is now-a-days the national government deficit, that the treatment “ Outsourcing ” could eventually help to regenerate.