摘要:This article is a case study of a newly opened exhibition at one of the mostsignificant lieux de mémoire in Norway, the historic house museum EidsvollHouse. Eidsvoll House has, since 1814, played a key role in Norwegian stateandnation-building narratives and continues to do so today. The article exploresthe tenacity of national narratives by investigating the role museums play incontemporary nation-building processes. It particularly looks at attempts tointegrate domestic servants into this dominant and controlling narrative, andinvestigates the complex relationship between social history, national narrativesand museum communication strategies. It problematizes the exhibition strategy,popular at historic houses, of recreating the past at a specific juncture of timeand argues that such an approach might help to reaffirm social hierarchies. Ona more general level, the article aims to contribute to a productive exchangebetween academic and museum approaches to history
关键词:domestic servants; exhibition analysis; nation-building; anniversary celebrations;historic houses; social class