期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:In this paper, we investigate how ontologiesdeveloped for use in Semantic Web technology could be usedin automated consistency checking of applicationrequirements. Ontology Driven Architecture allowsdevelopers would discover shareable domain models andknowledge bases from a variety of interrelated repositoriesand then wire them together with the remaining objectorientedcomponents for user interface and control. Domainknowledge base(domain Ontology) captures domainconcepts, relationships and rules. Requirements rules shouldnote violate these rules or contradict the usual businessbehaviour. This paper suggests a rule editing and validationframework RECC (REquirement-rule ConsistencyChecking)that guides an analyst to enter (application specific)requirement rules. It rests on Semantic Web technologiestogether with reasoning engines, which operate with semanticrepresentations.A practical validation of the approach byinstantiating this framework with OWL and reasoningengines is presented here. When requirement rules areauthored with RECC the acquired requirements wouldcomply with both business needs and domain knowledge