Single phase induction motors are found in various applications in which having correct value of the capacitor connected to the auxiliary winding enables the motor to function efficiently. This research aim is to investigate and obtain the value of the capacitor of a given input parameters of a specified permanent split capacitor (PSC) induction motor using MATLAB, which will in turn provide easy computation of the output parameters for the motor optimum efficiency. Electrical and mechanical characteristics of the PSC induction motor where obtained and analysed of which the study shows that the motor was reliable due to the absence of centrifugal switch. With the aid of MATLAB program the results were easily obtained, PSC induction motor capacitor value at optimum efficiency was also easily determined. The motor proved to have low starting torque, low starting current, higher efficiency, high pull out torque and high power factor. The characteristic of PSC induction motor analysed was limited to where higher starting torque is required only.