Special problems face the anesthesiologist in anesthetizing patients with left diaphragmatic eventration. A 59 year old man was admitted for surgical repair of diaphragmatic eventration with cyanosis, dyspnea and abdominal discomfort. The patient was scheduled for operation after chest phyaiotherapy and I.P.P.B. for 15 minutes, 3 times a day, for a week. After this preoperative treatment, the patient's pulmonary function was slightly improved. He was premedicated with atropine. Induction of anesthesria was planed to give intravenous ketamine with lidocain spray, but the patient had discomfort and was iritable during preanesthetic oxygen inhalation. Therefore anesthesia was induced by thiopentothal and succinylcholine, and maintained with oxygen, N2O and methoxyflurane. After anesthesia, the patient was given intensive care with Bennett respirator Model P-R2. Both anesthetic management for surgical repair of diaphragmatic eventration is reviewed and the problem of respiratory care is discussed.