An imaginative innovation to shorten hospital stays as a means to reduce patient charges, is out-patient surgery. This procedure also minimized the inconvenience and disruption of the family unit, reduced the opportunities for cross-infection, and freed hospital beds for the more seriously ill patients Since the concept of out-patient surgical service was organized, managed, and performed in the Hanyang Medical Center, we had experience of 132 ambulatory anesthetics during the last two years (from Jan. 1974. to Dec. 1975 ). The results are summarized as follower 1. Preanesthetic examination should be routinely checked with Hb., Hct., urinalysis and chest x-ray. 2. Premedication should be administered preanesthetically, atropine sulfate intravenously. 3. ASA class 1 patients should be chosen for short (less than 1 hour) procedures. 4. Anesthesia is induced with Epontol+S.C.C. and maintained with Halothane+N2O+O2. 5. We suggest that ambulatory anesthesia should be more carefully planned, organized, and managed.