摘要:Work place bullying when left unchecked would cost high both in terms of human and material capital. Teachers who are bullied exhibit certain behavioral patterns. The study tried to determine whether there is correlation between the respondents personal attributes and their perspectives on the existence of factors antecedent to workplace bullying. It also determined the existence of a formal organization structure to prevent bullying and if there is a need for training and seminar on workplace bullying. By using questionnaire survey to gather data, the study measured, through teachers “lens” four factors antecedent to workplace bullying. The study area is in Nueva Ecija, Philippines. The study revealed that there is a weak correlation between the respondents’ personal attributes and descriptors of workplace bullying. Except on the presence of injustice in promotion where majority of elementary and secondary school teachers considered present in the workplace. The factor of injustice in promotion is embedded in Filipino culture. In general, factors leading to workplace bullying is not rampant in the respondents’ workplaces. But the organization is not completely free from behaviors antecedent to workplace bullying. Majority of the respondents considered that formal organizational structure to prevent workplace bullying is established but they never attended school sponsored trainings and seminars on workplace bullying.
关键词:workplace bullying; basic teacher education; factors to workplace bullying; public educational system; case study