摘要:Chemical composition and nutritional evaluation of the seed of Suaeda salsa were studied. The results indicated that seeds contained 5.35% moisture, 4.76% ash, 25.68% fat, 15.27% fiber, 27.32% protein and 20.11% carbohydrates. Sodium was the predominant element followed by potassium and then calcium. Vitamin C and vitamin E were detected. The amino acid profile compared good with FAO/WHO recommended pattern except for cystine/methionine, isoleucine, tyrosine/phenylalanine and tryptophane. Also, the first limiting amino acid was cystine/methionine. Fatty acid composition showed that linoleic acid was the major fatty acid, followed by oleic acid, palmitic acid, linolenic acid, stearic acid and palmitoleic acid. S. salsa seed was a kind of oil source that could satisfy the standards of modern nutrition towards healthy food and it possesses the development and utilization values.