摘要:Background: As multinational businesses increase, it is important to harmonize between implementing the balanced scorecard as a tool to properly evaluate performance and set the target and the understanding of local culture. Materials and Methods: This study investigates the effect of national culture on the financial and the learning and growth perspective of the balanced scorecard using Philippine multinational company case. To conduct a case study, the researchers did a survey based on Hofstede six dimensions of culture model with 500 employees and received 232 responses. Results: The results are that Filipino cultural tendency affects the evaluation process of performances and setting a companys goal in the financial perspectives and training course and career changes in the learning and growth perspectives on the balanced scorecard. Conclusion: This proves that national culture became a major element of accomplishing BSC in multinational companies. Also, survey results from a developing country like the Philippines give a new perspective to the accounting research which mostly focus on a North American or European perspective. In the current worlds economic condition where globalization is a necessity for business, it is concluded that combination of culture and the balanced scorecard can lead to the success in multinational business.