摘要:The aim of the article is to investigate and explain the Georgian aspiration to join the European Union. The research is divided into three parts: 1) exploring the European identity of Georgia; 2) describing the process of consolidation of Georgian democracy needed for the integration into EU; 3) investigating the new developments in the geopolitical scenario and looking at some obstacles to the Georgian "europeanization". It was clear from the very first moment that independent Georgia had a strong will to move toward the West and after the collapse of Soviet Union it gradually changed its identity from Post-Soviet to European. Georgians consider themselves as Europeans, especially when it comes to identity. The results of this research show that, despite the new developments in the international geopolitical scenario and in the Georgian government and presidency, the idea that Georgia's will to continue its path to the European Union is lower than before doesn't reflect accurately the country's reality. This indeed is a myth and needs to be dispelled. On the contrary, judging from the latest developments of the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius, Georgia remains by far the most motivated country, in its geographical area, to join European institutions.
关键词:Georgia; European Eastern Partnership; Vilnius Summit; ; Eurasian Union