摘要:The tourism industry benefits from various systems of assistanceoffered by national and European funding programs, in connection with theexisting of funding mechanism for tourism. The prospect of an integrated andsustainable development involves close connections between tourism and localdevelopment, as a series of measures are not directed at tourism, but theyindirectly contribute to its development. For example, the increase of accessibility,the environmental protection as an instrument to protect the cultural and naturalheritage, the pollution reduction, the improvement of the quality and availability ofnatural resources are ways to improve the performance of the tourism sector.Other measures are focused on local development and they also contribute totourism development. Further, integrating the tourism sector must be madethrough public and private partnerships and, in the deficient areas such as theanalyzed disadvantaged mining regions, tourism must work to bring together theactions of integrating the natural and cultural patrimony, the environmentalprotection, accessibility and the development with the most appropiate methods.
关键词:tourism development; EU funding programs; disadvantaged;mining areas; Bihor County; Romania