摘要:This article is a sequel to the one in the previous issue, called “GasWar”. Research regarding the concept of “hard energy” is being continued inthis study, this time not by analysing the balance of power between Europe,the “dependent consumer” and Russia, “sole supplier”, also known as the“political tap strategy”, but through a critical and interpretative analysis ofthe geostrategic games in relation to the diversification of the routes forCaspian energy projects. The results of this research show that the layout ofthe future gas pipelines is not an economic problem, but a (geo)political one,most of the time the economic feasibility studies giving way to the games ofpower. As we announced earlier, from geoeconomy, back to geopolitics.
关键词:Caspian energy; natural gas; Nabucco; South Stream; North;Stream; Europe; Russia; Central Asia