期刊名称:Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review
出版社:Sohar University, Oman and American University of Kuwait
摘要:With aim of determining relationships among variables of educational leadership,characteristics of teachers and organizational health, this research has been carried out.Research methodology is of correlation type. Statistical universe consisted of the entireelementary schools in western part of Mazandaran province, numbering 347 schools out ofwhich 200 schools were selected as sample volume. Also, sampling method was conducted byrandom stratified method. The main tool of data collection in this research was 3questionnaires of educational leadership, characteristics of teachers and organizational healthof Hoy et al, respectively. Questionnaire of organizational health has been stand,ard and ofvalidity. Validity of made-by-researcher questionnaires of educational leader andcharacteristics of teachers was investigated through facial and structural validity. In order tocalculate reliability, Cronbach alpha method was used, and questionnaires of educationalleadership, characteristic of teachers and organizational health were computed to be 0.953 and974, respectively. Causal relationships among the variables were tested through structuralmodeling and using the Lisrel 8.54 software. The obtained findings showed thatcharacteristics of teachers have a positive and significant influence on the organizationalhealth. Meanwhile, characteristics of teachers play a mediatory role in the effectiveness ofeducational leadership on the organizational health
关键词:Educational leadership; characteristics of teachers; organizational health;conceptual model; structural equations