摘要:In work the new nonlinear mathematical and computer model of nformation warfare with participation of interstate authoritative institutes is offered. The model is described by Cauchy's problem for nonlinear non-homogeneous system of the differential equations. Confronting sides in extend of provocative statements, the third side (the peacekeeping international organizations) extends of soothing statements, interstate authoritative institutes the peacekeeping statements call the sides for the termination of information warfare. In that specific case, modes of information warfare "aggressor- victim", for the third peacekeeping side are received exact analytical solutions, and functions defining number of the provocative statements distributed by the antagonistic sides satisfy to Cauchy's problems for Riccati certain equations which are solved by a numerical method. For the general model computer modeling is carried out and shown that irrespective of high aggression of confronting sides, interstate authoritative institutes will be able to extinguish information warfare and when for this purpose efforts of only the international organizations insufficiently.
关键词:Information warfare; continuous nonlinear mathematical and computer model; Riccati certain equation