期刊名称:Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
出版社:Journal of Theoretical and Applied
摘要:Indonesian maritime security issues is a complex problem therefore included in the multi-objective problems, it is necessary for the proper method to overcome these problems, one of them by developing intelligent decision support system using methods Non dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithms II (NSGA II) and Fuzzy C Means (FCM). NSGA-II method will produce a set of optimal solution candidates, while the FCM method serves to minimize the set of optimal solutions. His study aims to maximize the achievements of the coverage area and minimize operational costs by considering the type of vessel, speed, range radar, endurance. Optimization results using NSGA-II with the following parameters: population = 20, generation = 100, crossover probability = 75% and = 90% probability of mutations produced as many as 125 candidates for the optimal solution. Furthermore, the solution is in the cluster to minimize the prospective solutions based on a predetermined point cluster into four, resulting in four candidates for the best solution, that is: [1] Co = Rp. 4.741.205.798 and Ca = 1.915.083 Mil2; [2] Co = Rp. 3.997.582.228 and Ca = 1.560.672 Mil2; [3] Co = Rp. 4.802.314.832 and Ca = 1.962.895 Mil2; [4] Co = Rp. 4.939.637.487 and Ca = 1.982.564 Mil2. Results of Intelligent Decision Support System with consideration of increasing security in sea area of Indonesia and optimize the budget that has been set by the Government, the recommended solution is the solution to the cluster of four with a combined value of patrol boats [647755475625136306153116502] Cost = Rp. 4.939.637.487, Coverage = 1.982.564 Mil2 and distance = 0.006724.