期刊名称:Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
出版社:Journal of Theoretical and Applied
摘要:Ringing artifacts that appear as spurious signal near sharp transitions in a signal appear as ghosts (or) near edges. Two techniques called LPF and ASLPF is used. LPF is used for only just identifying the artifacts present in the video image. ASLPF (Adaptive Spatial Low Pass Filter) is used to identify the artifacts whether it is present in horizontal (or) vertical position (or) near edges. DCT is applied to each and every pixel in the block; the spatial domain is converted into frequency domain. But now a technique called Adaptive Spatial Low Pass Filter (ASLPF) is used to identify the artifacts and remove it completely. Video is converted into frames and each frame is compressed for removing the artifacts. Finally the reduction of artifacts is shown in PSNR.
关键词:Low Pass Filter; Adaptive Spatial Low Pass Filter; Discrete Cosine Transform; Peak Signal to Noise Ratio; Blocking Artifacts and Ringing Arifacts.