The paper presents the variation of the total ozone column (TOC) over Bay of Bengal and the land of West Bengal, India before, during and after the tropical cyclone, Aila that occurred in the month of May 2009. Total ozone data derived from OMI instrument on Aura platform has been used for this study. The daily total ozone anomalies have been calculated and found related to the intensification of the cyclonic system. Analysis reveals the steady decrease in the total ozone column (TOC) before and during the formation of the cyclone followed by a more or less increase after the dissipation of the cyclone. The steep fall in total ozone column (TOC) by more than 16 DU is exhibited at the peak intensity of the cyclone characterized by maximum wind speed over those regions where the cyclone has intensified. The observed variation of total ozone column (TOC) is in accordance with the existing chemical and dynamical theories of ozone depletion.