Environmental friendly disposal of Municipal waste is not often in most developing nations like India. There is an increase in, residential and infrastructure development due to the population growth and this has negative impact on our inhabiting environment as well as the poor management and lack of scientific approach in dumping process is also a problem in MSW process one of these impacts is also due to location of dumping yard at unsuitable areas. In case of Agartala city as it is growing very fast. As per 2011 census, Population of city was 399,688 with density of 6,251/Sq km and around more than 90,000 households and around 260 MT (metric ton) quantity of urban solid waste is generating every day which consists of house hold (10%) commercial including industrial (12%) construction debris including thrown sweeping (50%), electronic wastes (2%) etc rest others where per capita rate of waste generation is at the rate of 0.5 to 0.6 kg per capita per day. Present study of Agartala city had been conducted to assess the present scenario of Municipal solid waste management process.