期刊名称:Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
出版社:Journal of Theoretical and Applied
摘要:Face Recognition is one of the most successful challenging applications in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition. Generally there are two types of recognitions such as intrusive recognition means that the user aware about the recognition i.e., Palm print recognition; the users have to place their palm in the scanner, where as face recognition is non-intrusive, with out user cooperation it can able to recognize the person as authenticated person or not. The applications of face recognition are time attendance system, visitor management system and access control system, etc. the face recognition gives efficient performance under the controlled environment. But still we have the unsolved problems in real time applications. The dimensionality reduction is a most important task in the field of face recognition. In this paper, it proposed all the recent emerging techniques of feature extraction process in the dimensionality reduction.
关键词:Face Recognition; Dimensionality Reduction; Feature Extraction; Feature Selection; Linear Methods; And Non Linear Methods