摘要:Acronyms and abbreviations play an important role in people's daily speech and writing. The aim of this paper was to analyze application of abbreviations and acronyms in title and the content of Iranian and Indian newspapers. The paper also intended to fin d the most frequent types of shortened forms as appeared in these newspapers. The final objective was to find the order in which full and shortened forms do appear in these newspapers. Etela'at and Keyhan from Iran and Bangalore Mirror from India were used as data of the study. All acronyms and abbreviations were extracted and then analyzed in the form of frequency tables. The results revealed that: (1) In Indian newspaper titles, which is an ESL context, acronyms and abbreviations appeared more than Irania n newspapers, which reflect an EFL context; (2) Similarly, when the content of the newspapers were considered again the Indian newspaper embodied much more acronyms and abbreviations; (3) both in Iran (54 cases, 34.18%) and in India (422, 63.08%) initialis m was the most frequent shortened form, and (4) with regard to the sequence of appearance of full and short forms it was observed that many cases fell into class IIV which was not included in Kafi's (1991) model. In fact in India, in 602 (89.99%) cases, an acronym, initialism or shortened form was used without any prior or post full form. The results of this study could be used by students of translation, linguistics, language teachers and authors of books.
关键词:linguistics;acronyms; abbreviations;newspapers; EFL; ESL; Iran; India; comparative study