- there exists an exponential number of clusters of satisfying assignments.
- the distance between satisfying assignments in different clusters is linear.
We aim to understand the structural properties of random CSP that lead to solution clustering. To this end, we prove two results on the cluster structure of solutions for binary CSP under the random model from [Molloy 2002]:
1. For all constraint sets S (described in [Creignou and Daudé 2004, Istrate 2005]) such that SAT (S) has a sharp threshold and all q ∈ (0, 1], q-overlap-SAT (S) has a sharp threshold. In other words the first step of the approach in [Mézard et al. 2005a] works in all nontrivial cases.
2. For any constraint density value c q ∈ (0, 1] such an instance has with high probability two satisfying assignment of overlap ~ q. Thus, as expected from Statistical Physics predictions, the second step of the approach in [Mézard et al. 2005a] fails for 2-SAT.