期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security
出版社:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security
摘要:Mathematical morphology stresses the role of shape in image pre-processing, segmentation, and object description. It constitutes a set of tools that have solid mathematical background and lead to fast algorithms. The basic entity is a point set. Morphology operates using transformations that are described using operators in a relatively simple non-linear algebra. Mathematical morphology constitutes a counterpart to traditional signal processing based on linear operators (such as convolution). In images, morphological operations are relations of two sets. One is an image and the second a small probe, called a structuring element, that systematically traverses the image; its relation to the image in each position is stored in the output image. Fundamental operations of mathematical morphology are dilation and erosion. Dilation expands an object to the closest pixels of the neighborhood. Erosion shrinks the object. Erosion and dilation are not invertible operations; their combination constitutes new operations?opening and closing. Thin and elongated objects are often simplified using a skeleton that is an archetypical stick replacement of original objects. The skeleton constitutes a line that is in the middle of the object. To study the pattern trends with shape as primitive the present article experimented the operations of hit or miss, thinning and gradient operations on textures. The experiments clearly shows uniform patterns in cloth textures and where as more number of regions with different topologies are exhibited by the tree bark textures. This factors clearly co-insides with the nature of these textures.