期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security
出版社:International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security
摘要:The scope of our paper is quite interesting , it is our vision to develop an effective technology to support Deaf Students so as to learn various topics via computer. The major core of the mentioned technology could be represented by two branches : The first is to offer an empty templates to the first user �� The teacher who seeks introducing e-learning modules (eLMs) for his own interest topics for the Deaf candidates��. Our system will reconstruct the entry material by the teacher so that to be an e-learning modules of tutorial lesson according to the submitted material��. The second task of our system is to translate all the submitted material as well as the output material from the normal text into its corresponding lips of sign language and finger spelling . To evaluate the experimental modules of tutorial e-lessons . The topic of General Science for primary school has been applied to introduce the desired modules. Some selected experts have tried the concerned modules. View points of the mentioned experts have been considered to form the major conclusions. Many fields have been covered in evaluation process , mostly deal with the Software development technique and multimedia objects besides other standard criteria of special needs requirements.