摘要:Polytomies in gene trees are multifurcated nodes corresponding to unresolved parts of the tree, usually due to insufficient differentiation between sequences of homologous gene copies. Apart from gene sequences, other information such as that contained in the species tree can be used to resolve such intricate parts of a gene tree. The problem of resolving a multifurcated tree has been considered by many authors, the objective function often being the number of duplications and losses reflected by the reconciliation of the resolved gene tree with the species tree. Here, we present PolytomySolver, an algorithm accounting for a more general model allowing different costs for duplications and losses per species. The time complexity of this algorithm is linear for the unit cost and is quadratic for the general cost, which outperforms the best known solutions so far by a linear factor. We show on simulated trees that the gain in theoretical complexity has a real practical impact on running times.