摘要:We combine ideas coming from several fields, including modal logic, coalgebra, and set theory. Modally saturated trees were introduced by K. Fine in 1975. We give a new purely combinatorial formulation of modally saturated trees, and we prove that they form the limit of the final omega-op-chain of the finite power-set functor Pf. From that, we derive an alternative proof of J. Worrell's description of the final coalgebra as the coalgebra of all strongly extensional, finitely branching trees. In the other direction, we represent the final coalgebra for Pf in terms of certain maximal consistent sets in the modal logic K. We also generalize Worrell's result to M-labeled trees for a commutative monoid M, yielding a final coalgebra for the corresponding functor Mf studied by H. P. Gumm and T. Schröder. We introduce the concept of an i-saturated tree for all ordinals i, and then prove that the i-th step in the final chain of the power set functor consists of all i-saturated trees. This leads to a new description of the final coalgebra for the restricted power-set functors Plambda (of subsets of cardinality smaller than lambda).
关键词:saturated tree; extensional tree; final coalgebra; power-set functor; modal logic