摘要:The game tree languages can be viewed as an automata-theoretic counterpart of parity games on graphs. They witness the strictness of the index hierarchy of alternating tree automata, as well as the fixed-point hierarchy over binary trees. We consider a game tree language of the first non-trivial level, where Eve can force that 0 repeats from some moment on, and its dual, where Adam can force that 1 repeats from some moment on. Both these sets (which amount to one up to an obvious renaming) are complete in the class of co-analytic sets. We show that they cannot be separated by any Borel set, hence {\em a fortiori\/} by any weakly definable set of trees. This settles a case left open by L. Santocanale and A. Arnold, who have thoroughly investigated the separation property within the $\mu $-calculus and the automata index hierarchies. They showed that separability fails in general for non-deterministic automata of type $\Sigma^{\mu }_{n} $, starting from level $n=3$, while our result settles the missing case $n=2$.
关键词:Tree automata; Separation property; Borel sets; Parity games