出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:For over two decades, the delta and the lower valley of the Senegal River have suffered a severe drought. Weather conditions have had serious consequences on the hydrological functioning. In addition, the artificiality of the basin due to the construction of hydro-agricultural infrastructures has caused other impacts. Observations made during an annual fishing cycle allowed us to implement the conceptual framework “Driving forces, Pressures, State, Impacts, Responses” (DPSIR). This article intends to help generate natural and socioeconomic indicators applicable to artisanal fisheries and make proposals for an integrated fisheries management in the study area.
关键词:Delta and lower valley of Senegal River;artisanal fishing;fishing techniques;indicators;conceptual framework DPSIR;Delta y valle bajo del río Senegal;pesca artesanal;artes de pesca;indicadores;marco conceptual DPSIR;Delta et basse vallée du fleuve Sénégal;pêche artisanale;engins de pêche;indicateurs;cadre conceptuel DPSIR