出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The recent emergence of a series of recordings, in which the sax, accompanied by a flamenco guitar, takes the role of the cantaor, has generated a corpus of contradictory information within the different sources. The confusion around the identity of the musicians involved, Fernando Vilches and Aquilino Calzada, as well the place and the time of edition of the aforementioned recordings, produced during the 30’s and the 40’s with historic flamenco players as Ramón Montoya, Sabicas and Manolo de Badajoz, has been approached though an exhaustive newspaper and periodicals research, and other written and sound sources available. We have reached to clear up the identity of Vilches and Aquilino and the relationship between them; their activity as performers and the recordings, showing the beginning of what today is known as fusion flamenco.