In every industry, improvement of efficiency is one of the main priorities of managers. Increased efficiency has more importance in service based industries, because in these industries improvement of efficiency turns into a software category and in fact, in these industries increased assets can not necessarily lead to increased efficiency. In such conditions, the focus should be shifted towards software development. One of the most important service providing sections is the section of healthcare. Both at the macro level of nations, especially Iran and the micro levels including families, healthcare services are crucially important. This section is in contact with the vast majority of people and as a result it can affect the views and satisfaction of people and therefore, is highly emphasized. In spite of that, there is several information flows embedded in the section of healthcare and especially in hospitals. Hospitals include a large flow of information and management of this information requires advanced systems. Management information systems can be crucially useful in terms of management of this information. Every year, hospitals spend huge costs for implementation of management information systems. For organization managers it is important to know that to what extent these systems can impact the quality of services. In this research it has been tried to fulfill this question and for this purpose, the existing information in Madayen hospital is utilized. For the purpose of analysis of results, the approach of analysis of structural equations was applied through the LISREL and SPSS software. Results indicated that management information systems have impacts on financial dimensions, customer orientation, quality of services and quality of internal processes.