摘要:In this article, we utilize new high flux PVDF hollow fiber hydrophobic membrane to implement vacuum membrane distillation (VMD) treatment experiment to the rejected water produced in petrifaction enterprise after reverse osmosis (RO) treatment, and we study producing water flux, the change of producing water and rejected water quality with the concentration treatment process and the influence of chemical flocculation on the rejected water treatment effect in the process of VMD. The results indicated that under the conditions of 75? and -0.096Mpa, the initial flux of VMD process would achieve 33L/m 2 h, and the process of VMD combined with chemical flocculation, and when RO rejected water was concentrated to 10 times, the process of VMD was kept above 16L/m 2 h, and the conductivity of producing water was stabilized in 4~7μS /cm, and the desalination rate was kept above 99.99%.