This study was conducted in the aim of revealing the misbehaviors of the teachers according to the perceptions of the students. In the study, semi-structured interview was done with 8th grade 45 students, 20 males and 25 females, from three secondary school determined through purposive sampling. The interviews were analyzed with content analysis, one of the qualitative research methods. All the data was coded and grouped as sub-theme, theme and main theme. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that misbehaviors of the teachers according to the perceptions of the students was collected under two main themes as relations and learning process. Misbehaviors of the teachers related to the relations was divided into 4 themes as being unfair, violence, communication barriers, characteristics. And violence was divided into two sub-themes as physical and psychological. Misbehaviors of the teachers related learning process was collected under three themes as boring classes, assessment and evaluation and classroom management.