摘要:The rationalization of this research was to investigate about improving professional development system through Quality Assurance Practices (QAP) in the Universities of Pakistan pertaining to the opinions of students, teachers and Directors of Quality Enhancement Cells’ (QEC’s) and to differentiate the ideas of students, teachers and Directors of QECs regarding professional development system as well as offer quality assurance practices in the universities of Pakistan. This study had a quantitative and qualitative research design. This study was conducted on a sample of 28 universities (public and private sector) of Pakistan by using random and purposive sampling techniques. Questionnaires and semi structured interviews were planned to gather information from students, teachers and Directors of QECs related to professional development system about quality assurance practices in the universities of Pakistan. The data was analyzed by using descriptive, inferential statistics and SPSS. The study exposed that students, teachers and Directors of QECs faced a lot of problems without profession development system. Majority of the students’ teachers and Directors’ of QECs opined that mean response value showed that well-defined recruitment criteria for faculty selection was existed well in the universities. Tests and interviewed technique were also used for recruitment of the faculty. Evaluation system of faculty was available to judge the performance of teaching staff. Seminars were held according to the departments and faculty was allowed to participate in the seminars. Departments had collaboration for professional development with other departments in the universities. Faculty was available according to the course workload, and faculty was using teaching methodologies appropriately. Guidance and counseling system partially exists in the universities. Students and teachers responded that salary package was not sufficient for the faculty, need based trainings were not arranged by the universities, regular follow up system of teachers’ performance after training was not done. Performance based incentives system for the faculty was not available in the universities. It was suggested by the students, teachers and Directors of QECs of universities that Quality Assurance Practices (QAP) can be accelerated by thinking the following steps: provision of sufficient salary package need based trainings,, regular follow up system of teachers after training, performance based incentives system should arranged for the faculty.