摘要:Literature is the body of written works of a language, period or culture. Literature usually used in poetry, to indentify a collection of texts, story, both fiction or non-fiction and drama. In fiction there are texts, drama, novel, etc. then, in non-fiction there are journal, article, biography, etc. In this research the writer used novel. Novel is a book-length story in prose whose author tries to create the sense that write, read, we experience actual life. But, the writer also used some article that relate with the novel. The writer choose article of health especially in under the age in kidney donor. In kidney donor there are basic criteria for donating, one of basic criteria for donating is about minimum age and maximum age. In the description of novel or story in it will have a moral. Moral is a message conveyed or a lesson to be learned from a story or event. The problem of this study is (1) what problem if a child under the age donated kidney in My Sister’s Keeper and (2) what moral problem of Sara Fitzgerald in My Sister’s Keeper. The aim of this study is to find out the problem in under the age of kidney donor and moral problem of Sara Fitzgerald in My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult. The writer used a qualitative method as the research method because the form of the results is not in a numerical form but in words or sentences. As a result, the writer found that the problems of under the age kidney donor are breaks the rules on basic criteria for donating and physical effect. Then, a problem of Sara is verbal abuse beside that Sara has a good and bad (not right) moral in her behavior.