摘要:Keywords: Analysis, Design, Accounting Information Systems, Receipts Cash and Expenditure Cash. ABSTRACT This research’s aimed to analyze the weaknesses and needs of the Accounting Information System Receipts Cash and Expenditure Cash at the Hospital to give the proposed improvements form of accounting information system design that can complement requirement of company management. This research was conducted by field study form employee investigation. And analysis the application of Accounting Information System Receipt and Expenditure Cash and document corporate related. Wherever, design of the new system begins with making DFD, ERD, and Normalization and then will proceed with the design database. The expected goals in the design database Accounting Information System Receipt and Expenditure Cash can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of administrative work in managing information by providing simplicity and speed of information processing services in dealing with information processing, Accuracy and speed data search, Activities Receipts Cash and Expenditures Cash provided more documented. In this study concluded Accounting Information System Cash Receipts and Expenditures Cash which applied Ananda hospital now still have enough procedure, but there are problems concerning the speed, completeness and accuracy of the information required.