摘要:Department of Agriculture is a government agencies have a duty to promote development in the agricultural sector. In achieving transparency and accountability of the State Finance manager is to report the financial accountability of government that meets the principles of timely and organized to follow the government accounting standards that have been generally accepted. One of them is the State Property Accounting. State-owned goods are goods purchased and obtained at the expense of the state budget or from other legitimate acquisition. State Property Accounting was held in order to generate the required information as a tool of accountability for budget implementation and management / control BMN controlled by an accounting unit of goods. Transactions are recorded in the State Property Accounting includes 3 types, namely Acquisition, Changes and Removal. Documents / reports generated from the State Property Accounting ministerial level include Intrakomptabel Goods Inventory, Inventory Ekstrakomptabel Goods, Books Historical Goods, BMN Report semester, BMN Annual Report, and Report Condition of Goods.