摘要:Investment feasibility is a way to determine the feasibility of investing in a business or businesses that can use the method of calculation is NPV, ARR, PP and PI. The importance of conducting a feasibility study to avoid investment is already too large for the business was not profitable. Formulation of Scientific Writing is intended to determine the feasibility of investment in the Company's Bread and Cakes Bakery Excellent Mayan using income data and the costs incurred by the Company's Bread and Cakes Bakery Mayan Excellent. In analyzing the feasibility study on the Company's investment Bread and Pastry Bakery Excellent Mayan, it refers to the surveys and interviews with the Compan. From the research, it is obtained that feasibility study on the Company's investment Baking and Pastry Bakery Excellent Mayan acceptable to open a new branch with a positive NPV value of registration Rp.106.887.321, ARR greater than 100% in the amount of 115.57%, investment payback period of less than 3 years is for 2 years 11 months and 3 days PI more than one in the amount of 1.22.