Emotional intelligence comprises of several important elements which enhance the ability of several keycompetencies. This study attempts to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence, communicationskills and information technology skills among university students in Malaysia. Three thousand one hundred andone final year students from 10 public universities in Malaysia were randomly chosen as samples for this study.The Bar-On Emotional Quotient: Short (EQ-i:S) by Bar-On has been utilized for the purpose of measuringemotional intelligence. An inventory by Moreale, Spitzberg and Barga was used to measure communicationskills while the Computer Efficacy Scale by Murphy, Coover and Owen was utilised to measure skills ininformation technology. Results showed that there were positive significant relationship between emotionalintelligence and both communication and information technology skills. This study implicates that students withhigh emotional intelligence will have better command in communication skills and information technologyskills.