摘要:Iron is an important element in many metabolic processes. The bioavailability of iron is a function of solubilization and reduction of Fe3+ in the stomach, hydrolysis, neutralization, ligand complexes and transport through the mucus layer of the intestine. The bioavailibility of non-heme Fe is determined by enhancers of iron absorption such as meat, amino acids, organic acids, antagonized by the inhibitors as bran, phytate and fibre. Haem Fe is absorbed directly as an intact metalloprotein porphyrin complex. The pathways of inorganic Fe into the mucosa cell Include endocytosis, electrogenic fatty acid mediated transcellular pathway, nonspecific paracellular permeation ar probably facilitated transcellular diffusion. The redox model proposes the reduction of Fe3+ by a transplasma membrane ferric reductase in lhe duodenal mucosa and the translocation of the Fe2+ across the cell probably by the nonesterified fatty acid. The mucin-mobilferrin-integrin pathway on the other hand involves the delivery of Fe-mucin complex in the lumen to the integrins of mucosa surface for translocation lo mobllferrin in the cytosol. The transfer of absorbed Fe iron from the mucosa into the blood is dependent on a number of regulatory intracellular and systemic factors