摘要:In this study, fi ve prototypes of catchup were developed by replacing partially or totally the sucrose in the formulation by the sweetener Neotame (NTM). These prototypes were evaluated for their physicochemical characteristics and sensory profi le (Quantitative Descriptive Analysis). The main sensory differences observed among the prototypes were regarding to color, consistency, mouthfeel, sweet taste and tomato taste, for which lower means were obtained as the sugar level was decreased, and also in terms of salty taste, that had higher means with the decrease of sugar. In terms of bitter and sweetener aftertastes, the prototype 100% sweetened with NTM presented the higher mean score, but with no signifi cant difference when compared to other prototypes containing sucrose, for bitter taste, however, it had the highest mean score, statistically different from all the other prototypes. In terms of physicochemical characteristics, the differences were mainly in terms of consistency, solids and color. Despite the differences observed among the prototypes as the sugar level was reduced, it was concluded that NTM is a suitable sweetener for catchup, both for use in reduced calories and no sugar versions.