摘要:This article presents a new reliability testing of the instrument originally developed by Watkins & Marsik (2003), afterwards validated in Brazil by Corrêa (2006), and aims the improvement of its measure precision. The scale was submitted to new semantics validation and answered by a sample of 5161 employees of a Brazilian public bank. The data was analyzed by using Cronbach’s alpha to measure the psychometric instrument reliability. The evaluation included also an exploration of the instrument factor structure by using an exploratory factor analysis. The results indicate that the instrument measures three factors with appropriate internal consistency: (1) organizational practices for learning; (2) strategical leadership practices for learning and personal inquiry; and (3) dialogue and team collaboration for learning. The article ends by describing and discussing strengths and weaknesses of both the study and the tested instrument.
关键词:Organizações de aprendizagem;Fatores culturais das organizações de aprendizagem;Instrumento de diagnóstico de cultura de aprendizagem organizacional.