摘要:In order to determine the extent of eutrophication due to pollution of organic matter from brackishwater shrimp ponds, on the north coast of Central Java, chlorophyll a and nutrient concentration were measured in near shore waters. It was revealed that chlorophyll a content in the study area were considerably high, ranging between 83 and 332 µg/l. The evidence of eutrophication was also supported by the relatively high level of nutrient, in which nitrate levels ranged between 1.295 and 2.060 mg/l and phosphate ranged between 0.093 and 0.270 mg/l. The relationship of chlorophyll a and nitrate indicated negative of chlorophyll a and phosphate also indicated negative correlation with regression : P = - 0.2587 Chl a + 0.1945. This suggests that the increase in chlorophyll a is accompanied by a reduction of both nitrate and phosphate, which may be caused by luxurious consumption of nutrient by phytoplankton in the surface water.
关键词:shrimp aquaculture ponds, eutrophication, coastal pollution, Central Java