摘要:http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223613086655 A reflection on the causes of the alarming increase in sugar consumption and its harmfulconsequences in young peaple becomes very relevant as it is a way to instill the need for new andgood eating habits, developing the opportunity of choice, enabling them to be multipliers of afood education. The objectives of this study were to broaden the understanding of the sugar, theirattributes and chemical consequences of his excessive and continuous use as tooth decay,diabetes, obesity, hypertension and coronary heart disease and a critical analysis within theprinciples of education environmental and nutritional intertwining different areas of knowledge,understanding the dynamics of food in the body. To overcome the defects of nutritionalknowledge are necessary, among other nutrition education programs involving healthprofessionals, students, educators and their families from lectures given by professionals to theschool community. The school is the appropriate place to discuss the issues of nutrition andhealth, where initiatives for clarification on the subject should be incorporated into the dynamictransdisciplinarity. A extra-curricular projects offered to schoolchildren and sensitizes people formable to multiply the efficiency of knowledge about good nutrition.