期刊名称:Revista Innovar Journal Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales
出版社:Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá
摘要:This article springs from theoretical discussion about ethics and company ethics sustaining the authors' position regarding how ethical stocktaking may become a tool for strengthening organisational integrity and lead to companies achieving their economic, social and environmental objectives. A qualitative methodology is proposed, seeking to evaluate the damage and benefits arising from an organisation's activities in an attempt to improve its ethical performance and fulfil its social responsibility. The case of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia's Manizales site is then presented, as an integral ethical development programme is being implemented there whose second stage consists of engaging in ethical stocktaking.
关键词:ethical stocktaking;ethics;company ethics;integrity;organisational nature;organisational culture;social responsibility;interest group;auditoría ética;ética;ética empresarial;integridad;carácter organizacional;cultura organizacional;responsabilidad social;grupos de interés;Audit éthique;éthique;éthique de l'entreprise;intégrité;caractère organisationnel;culture organisationnelle;responsabilité sociale;groupes d'intérêts;Auditoria ética;ética;ética empresarial;integridade;caráter organizacional;cultura organizacional;responsabilidade social;grupos de interesse