摘要:STRATEGI DAN MODEL PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DI SD MUHAMMADIYAH SE KECAMATAN BLIMBING KOTA MAL ANG Rohmad Widodo Staf Pengajar Jurusan Civic Hukum, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Planting of character education in the social environment that less attention be one less factor in the character formation of the child's didik.Penelitian proactive and need to be promoted primarily to implement the mandate of the people as expressed in the Act NO: 20 Year 2003 on National Education System, which emphasizes the need to improve the quality and the quality of education in order to achieve national education goals. Strategies and models of character education implementation in SD Muhammadiyah Malang Mojolangu Blimbing district. formulated the following issues: 1) What is the strategy and implementation model character education 2) Are the constraints experienced in the implementation of strategies and models of character education, 3) How is the solution to overcome the obstacles that arise in the strategies and models impl This location determines the preliminary survey will be conducted using the observation sheet to the application of the model character education in elementary SD Muhammadiyah Mojolangu Malang.Sejumlah City Blimbing data collection methods used in this study, namely: 1 Observation, 2) Indeft Interview, and 3) Documentation. Based on the above, some conclusions can be drawn, as follows: 1) Strategies and models of character education implementation in SD Muhammadiyah Malang Blimbing Mojolangu districts, carried out in the form of prayers in congregation, followed by reading the Quran and istigfar, 2) the constraints encountered in the implementation of strategies and models regarding character education infrastructure, kediplinan level, and the carrying capacity of the parents, 3) Solutions to overcome obstacles in the implementation of educational strategies and models to conduct cooperation with various related instnasi, enforcing discipline, and hold meetings regularly with parents. Keywords: Strategy, Model, Educational characters were