摘要:POLA DISTRIBUSI INDUSTRI MAKANAN SKALA KECIL Teguh Baroto Staf Pengajar Jurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Alamat Korespondensi : Jl. Tegalgondo Asri 2J/23 Hp : 0811366238, Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT TSome snack industries have been closed. They are become the losser in high competition. Market was dominated by the big industry. Some home industries that produce snack still survive and become the winner. They have a different method to distribute their product. This research focus on the distribution model or method in home industries that produce snack. The last research show that competitive advantage is on a qualitative factor. Based on that result , this research will develop a qualitative distribution model to increase a competitive advantage of a snack company. As a result, distribution must be integrated proportionally among customer-retailer-salesdistributor- company. Customer is most important, thenshort term sales visit periodically, as soon as replace the expired produck, and konsignation. Target all segmen children and adult. Children need a chily, aromatic, sticky, hig volume, made from mill, not natural, ligh red colour, full powder, and crispy snack. Adult people like a natural colour, natural ingredient,variety and hygienis snack. Keyword: Model, Distribution, Food, Small Industry