摘要:Language is a communication tool. With human language can convey thoughts, wishes and feelings. Greetings part in speaking activities humans. Greetings is a form of greeting, reprimand or refer the second person or people who talk to. Greetings refers more to a person in the interaction linguistic done directly. This study is intended to describe the system in a speech greeting the contractual sellers and buyers in the market Large Malang. There are three issues examined in this study, namely: 1) form- form of address, 2) the system that gave rise to forms of greeting, and 3) variable determine the system greeting. The method used in this research is descriptive method. data form forms of greeting and speech phenomena in contractual. The results of contractual form of address in the speech between sellers and buyers in the Great Market Poor more often in the form of greeting mbak, mas, bu / bu 'and pack. Also there are forms of greeting Another form of greeting mi '/ umik, Mr. Haj, dik, ko', cik, te - which is short partner, tacik, and aunt - and the name itself. The factors that determine the occurrence greeting system include: 1) gender differences, (2) differences in age, (3) the differenceposition, (4) differences in social status, and (5) differences in origin.