标题:O futebol sob a ótica de um ensaísta – Resenha do livro “Veneno remédio: o futebol e o Brasil”, de José Miguel Wisnik [São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2008]
摘要:The text presents briefly the reviewed work. In this book, the author intends toelaborate a reflection about the Brazilian soccer, mainly as cultural-historical element.Addresses the issue of soccer phenomenon and singularity that the sport acquired inBrazil: analyzes the genesis and evolution of ball games, history of World Cups and thetrajectory of the Brazilian team, and influences in establishment and consolidation ofnational identity. Wisnik even presents a discussion about the ideas of theorists CaioPrado Junior, Sérgio Buarque de Holanda e Gilberto Freyre, that deal with relevantissues about Brazilian soccer.